IPNI Science Award
The IPNI Science Award was established by the IPNI Board of Directors in 2006. Its purpose is to recognize and promote distinguished contributions by scientists involved with global ecological intensification as related to crop production. Ecological intensification is defined as the development of high-yield crop production systems that protect soil and environmental quality and conserve natural resources. Characteristics of ecological intensification include yields achieving near potential top levels, high efficiency of nutrient use, and appropriate management of soil nutrient stocks and organic matter. The recipient has received a plaque and a monetary award of US$5,000.
Past Winners
2017: Dr. Abdul Rashid of Pakistan Academy of Sciences >more...
2016: Dr. Ismail Cakmak of Sabanci University >more...
2015: Dr. Cynthia A. Grant of Agriculture Canada >more...
2014: Dr. Ardell Halvorson of the USDA-ARS. >more...
2013: Award not given
2012: Mr. A.E. Johnston of Rothamsted Research. >more...
2011: Dr. M.J. McLaughlin of the CSIRO. >more...
2010: Dr. A.N. Sharpley of the University of Arkansas. >more...
2009: Dr. J.K. Ladha of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). >more...
2008: Dr. John Ryan of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA). >more...
2007: Dr. Milkha Singh Aulakh of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), India. >more...