Н. Кларк, С. Орлофф и М. Оттман
Adrián A. Correndo y Fernando O. García IPNI Cono Sur. Av Santa Fe 910, Acassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr. Pedro Barbagelata – EEA INTA Paraná. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Gustavo Ferraris – EEA INTA Pergamino. Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo – Unidad Integrada INTA-FCA Balcarce. Laboratorio Fertilab. Ing. Agr. Cristian ...
Very little work has been done on determining optimum nitrogen rates for Timothy hay.
Presentacion realizada en el Taller de Actualizacion de CONAPROLE realizado en Soils (Canelones, Uruguay) el 29 de Noviembre de 2012.
Las MPM para los Cultivos y Sistemas de Producción. Nutrientes No Tradicionales en Región Pampeana
IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...
Root response to fertilizer source and placement were documented with rhizotron scanners
Presentación realizada en la Jornada Técnica “Manejo de nutrientes y suelos en sistemas lecheros”, organizada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay en Canelones el ...
The Crop Nutrition Series of PowerPoint presentations features crop nutrition and management information prepared by IPNI North American Program scientific staff. Each presentation includes approximat ...
Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, ...
Evaluate the management of dry and fluid P fertilizers, applied with N fertilizer, to restore the productivity of low producing forage stands in Saskatchewan.
Alfalfa based forage stands in SW Saskatchewan are usually established with the intent of harvesting for five or more years. This study was initiated to evaluate the response of alfalfa to P fertilize ...
Surveys have indicated that there is a discrepancy between soil and tissue tests for P and K in many irrigated alfalfa fields in southern Alberta, and that insufficient P and K was being applied to th ...
A study to identify mineral nutrient removal in the harvested portion of crops grown in western Canada.
Assess crop rotation and nutrient application on flax yield and nutrient uptake.
To determine the influence of balanced fertilization on forage production, longevity of alfalfa stands, weed population and disease severity.
Effect of Boron Fertilization on Alfalfa Production, 1998 This research in northwestern Montana is evaluating the potential benefits to boron (B) applied across different phosphorus (P) fertility leve ...
Forage hay crops remove large amounts of nutrients from the soil, because of this, levels of available phosphorous, potassium and sulfur are often marginal for crops following forages.
This new project is attempting to demonstrate how balancing N and P, and harvesting methods can improve stand life and productivity.
Results of the last 3 years indicate that a combination of soil and tissue tests provide the best option for predicting P response in alfalfa. However, neither worked well for K.
Phosphorus fertilization is essential for good forage production. This study is showing how P fertilization affects dry matter yield and protein of alfalfa and bromegrass hay in central Alberta.
To evaluate the use of Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) analysis on three high value crops - irrigated alfalfa, irrigated corn, and greenhouse cucumbers.
Determine the influence of historic phosphorus application on soil quality and nutrient supplying power in a low input irrigated crop rotation.
Based on the agronomic and economic implications of including alfalfa in rotation with annual crops, what is the optimum and annual/perennial crop rotation for producers to utilize?
Only about 15% of the alfalfa grown in western Canada is fertilized annually, and generally with low rates of P. Therefore, P and K are often inadequate to produce the most economic yield. This projec ...