R. Mahesh, B. Patil, and H.A. Archana
Носов В.В., Плескачев Ю.Н., Филин В.И., Чамурлиев О.Г., Борисенко И.Б., Холод А.А.и Сидоров А.Н.
Dans le cadre de ses activités au Maroc, IPNI North Africa a organisé en collaboration avec la chambre d'agriculture de la region de Beni Mellal - Khenifra une journée sur la fertigation au profit des ...
Полтораднев М.С., Бессарабенко И.В. и Гребенникова Т.В.
Response of field vegetable crop to S and Ca application is studied in on-farm field experiments conducted under fertigation conditions (with fertilizer application through drip irrigation).
Better use efficiency of both indigenous soil phosphorus (P) and applied P fertilizer by cropping systems will extend the life of current mined world phosphorus deposits and reduce the need to develop ...
The right place for K in summer dominant rainfall areas of northern Australia.