А.Н. Налиухин, Агрохимия, №3, 2013
Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, ...
Assess the rate of P application from various P sources having different inherent cadmium levels, on Cd uptake and Cd concentration of harvested grain from crops in western Canada.
As lignans are derived from phenylalanine, an amino acid found in protein, it is logical to ask the question of the effect of nitrogen and/or phosphorus fertilizers on the final concentration of SDG i ...
A study to identify mineral nutrient removal in the harvested portion of crops grown in western Canada.
Assess crop rotation and nutrient application on flax yield and nutrient uptake.
Assess the interactive effects of tillage system, preceeding crop and P management on flax production.
A series of experiments to determine if adding KCl to side-banded urea would increase the safety to the seedlings against the toxic effects of side banded urea, regardless of the separation between th ...
Research results indicate that side-banding N with P at seeding will work well in flax production if there is good separation between the seed and fertilizer.
Most of the Cd in grain results from plant uptake from soils which could vary in Cd concentrations depending largely on the type of soil parent material. This project will compare paired pedons of cul ...