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Ferramenta agronômica para recomendação de calagem e adubação em pastagens

O IPNI Brasil acaba de lançar mais uma ferramenta agronômica de uso gratuito para avaliação da fertilidade do solo e recomendação de calagem e adubação em pastagens. Agora, pecuaristas, agrônomos, téc ...

Применение 4R-Стратегии для интенсификации лугового кормопроизводства в Вологодской области

С.Е. Иванова, АН. Налиухин, Н.В. Веденеева, О.А. Власова, О.В. Силуянова

Evento IPNI Brasil sobre as Boas Práticas do Uso Eficiente de Fertilizantes em Pastagens na Pecuária do Futuro – Global Pecus

Foi realizado de 9 a 10 de maio em Cuiabá-MT, o evento Global Pecus – Pecuária do Futuro. Sendo uma instituição dedicada ao manejo e uso responsável e eficiente dos nutrientes das plantas, consideramo ...

Participação no programa Giro do Boi - Canal Rural

Dr. Eros Francisco, participou do programa Giro do Boi do Canal Rural, 11 de abril de 2018. O programa Giro do Boi realizou uma entrevista com o Dr. Francisco para tratar sobre o tema como aproveitar ...

Improving Forage Production in Russia with Proper Fertilization

Annual and perennial grasses and legumes are important forage crops in Russia, occupying almost 20% of the total cultivated land. Insufficient fertilization and poor-quality seed has led to low produc ...

Improving Forage Production in Russia with Proper Fertilization

Annual and perennial grasses and legumes are important forage crops in Russia, occupying almost 20% of the total cultivated land. Insufficient fertilization and poor-quality seed has led to low produc ...


与牲畜营养师相比,当一个植物营养学家要容易得多。植物生长只需要14种矿质元素,而牲畜的健康生长则需要23种。当然,随着时间的延长和研究的深入,将会发现更多其它微量矿质元素,植物和动物的必需元素养分名单会不断增长。 肉用牛在靠近不列颠哥伦比亚省的范德胡夫吃草 仅考虑矿质元素,植物需要氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、硼、氯、铜、铁、锰、锌、钼和镍。无 .

Dia de Campo sobre Adubação de Pastagens

Dr. Eros Francisco ministrou palestra no Dia de Campo sobre adubação de pastagens realizado na Faz NS Aparecida em Jaciara, MT, dia 15 de julho. O evento foi organizado pela fazenda em parceria com as ...


Mike Stewart著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 狗牙根是一种重要的多年生暖季牧草,用于全球热带、亚热带地区放牧和干(饲)草生产。在美国南部,估计有600多万英亩的狗牙根牧场或饲草种植。海岸狗牙根长得很高,美国南部有很多标准杂交狗牙根。不过,其他杂交品种,尤其是Tifton 85在近几年来也开始侵入了。 根据国际植物营养研究所的植物计算应用工具(PlantCalc app),每吨狗牙根消耗46l ...

IV Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens

O IPNI Brasil organizou um painel sobre boas práticas do uso de fertilizantes em pastagens no IV Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens organizado pela Scot Consultoria e Tec-Fertil, ocorrido em Ribeirão P ...

II SimpaBov - Simpósio de Pastagens e Bovinocultura de Corte

Dr. Eros Francisco ministrou palestra no II SimpaBov - Simpósio de Pastagens e Bovinocultura de Corte, organizado pelo Prof. Dr. Gelci Lupatini da Unesp, campus de Dracena, realizado em Dracena-SP nos ...

Vient de de paraître (en anglais): Un nouveau Guide sur les Cultures Fourragères

Ce guide de poche sur les cultures fourragères englobe les charactéristiques des plantes, la fertilisation et la gestion des éléments nutritifs, l'installation des cultures, les besoins des animaux, l ...

IPNI Releases Revised Forage Crop Pocket Guide

January 11, 2016 , Peachtree Corners, GA, USA - The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) has released the its newly revised edition of the Forage Crop Pocket Guide. This booklet is a practic ...

Biomass production of forage grasses in response to nutrient use in Brazil

Brazil is an important beef producer and world exporter with a herd size of over 210 million heads that occupies 170 million hectares of pasture. National stocking rate is about only 1 head/ha in resp ...

Intensification of forage production in Vologda region

The 3-years project was established on the leading regional dairy farm with crop area under forages grasses and legumes 2 600 ha and 4 110 heads of cows. This project has a special focus on intensific ...

Determining Optimum Nitrogen Rates for Irrigated Timothy Hay for Export

Very little work has been done on determining optimum nitrogen rates for Timothy hay.

Suelos y Fertilización: Taller 2012 de CONAPROLE

Presentacion realizada en el Taller de Actualizacion de CONAPROLE realizado en Soils (Canelones, Uruguay) el 29 de Noviembre de 2012.

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application in Perennial Forage Grasses

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied, or banded, in fall or spring, for perennial forage grasses.

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de la Nutrición de Suelos y Cultivos

Presentacion realizada en la Jornada de Ganaderia y Ambiente organizada por INIA Remehue e IPNI el 6 de Diciembre de 2011.

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

K responses in dairy pastures for southwestern Victoria

A demonstration of K responses in dairy pastures

Balances de Nutrientes en Sistemas Agrícolas

Presentación realizada en la Jornada Técnica “Manejo de nutrientes y suelos en sistemas lecheros”, organizada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay en Canelones el ...

Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" - Paysandú (Uruguay) - Julio 2008

Presentaciones realizadas en el Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" realizado en Paysandú (Uruguay) el 24 de Julio de 2008.


NEW POSTERS FEATURING FORAGES NOW AVAILABLE/SOUTHERN FORAGES BOOK NOW IN FOURTH EDITION March 1, 2007–Norcross, Georgia, U. S. A. –Two new 24 x 30-inch posters, Forages Legumes and Forage Grasses, are ...

Fall Fertilization

As the calendar turns to fall each year, most farmers and their advisers are preoccupied with harvest and all the related priorities that go with it. Of course that’s important, but fall is also prime ...

Forage Rejuvenation with Phosphorus Fertilizer

Evaluate the management of dry and fluid P fertilizers, applied with N fertilizer, to restore the productivity of low producing forage stands in Saskatchewan.

Evaluation of Agronomic Practices and Quality Parameters of Timothy Hay

Determine how important maintenance fertilizer management is to maintain timothy stands and quality. Also whether additions of the micronutrient Cu are beneficial in maintenance of green color in timo ...

Phosphorus Fertility of Alfalfa Hay Stands in Southwest Saskatchewan

Alfalfa based forage stands in SW Saskatchewan are usually established with the intent of harvesting for five or more years. This study was initiated to evaluate the response of alfalfa to P fertilize ...

Assessing Nutrient Content of Crops and Nutrient Removal as Affected by Management Practices

A study to identify mineral nutrient removal in the harvested portion of crops grown in western Canada.