Trabajos publicados en la revista Informaciones Agronómicas de Hispanoamérica (2011-2017) e Informaciones Agronómicas del Cono Sur (2006-2017).
Soil testing is a key strategy in the efficient use of expensive fertilizer and other nutrient inputs, ensuring that the mix of nutrients applied match the fertility status and crop demand for the lik ...
The development of the Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops database has identified gaps in the current region, nutrient and crop combinations. This project will generate data for the dominant crops ...
Better use efficiency of both indigenous soil phosphorus (P) and applied P fertilizer by cropping systems will extend the life of current mined world phosphorus deposits and reduce the need to develop ...
1. La experiencia canadiense en el manejo de la nutrición de arveja, lenteja, garbanzo y colza. Dr. Tom Jensen. IPNI Oeste de Canadá. 2. Claves para el manejo nutricional del cultivo de arveja. Ing. A ...
A scoping study to develop a risk assessment for micronutrient deficiency in the grains industry.
Long term crop responses to applied N and P.
Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, ...
The adoption of no-till seeding systems in western Canada has been driven by a variety of factors, moisture conservation and economic efficiency likely the major ones. This project was conducted to ev ...
Develop recommendations for pulse growers in optimizing rhizobial and/or P-solublizing inoculants and fertilizer P for direct-seeding of kabuli and desi chickpeas and lentils in the semiarid regions o ...