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Vídeo: Case - Faixas de Aplicações de Nutrientes em Milho

Fertilizantes devem ser utilizados dentro de critério técnico adequado no sentido de promover os efeitos desejados. Os princípios fundamentais para tanto são de se aplicar a fonte correta, na dose cor ...

Fertilización en siembras tardías

Presentación realizada en el Congreso de Maíz Tardío organizado por Corteva en Rosario (Santa Fe) el 10 de Octubre de 2018.

Los 4Rs para una fertilización balanceada de maiz y soja

Presentación realizada en las Jornadas organizadas por ACA y Mosaic en Justiniano Posse y Los Cóndores (Córdoba) el 2 y 3 de Octubre de 2018.

Nutrición de cultivos: Mas allá de la próxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en la 4a Jornada Provincial de Suelos organizada por el Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cordoba en Bell Ville (Córdoba) el 5 de Julio de 2018.

Turnê do IPNI no Mato Grosso

Dr. Luís Prochnow, Dr. Eros Francisco e Dr. Tom Bruulsema, Diretores do IPNI, fizeram uma turnê pelo Estado do Mato Grosso no intuito de visitar a Estação Experimental da Fundação MT e várias fazendas ...

Viagem técnica à Argentina

Os programas LASC e Brasil do IPNI realizaram um excursão técnica sobre a cultura da soja nas províncias de Santa Fé e Córdoba, Argentina, de 19 a 23 de fevereiro.

Признаки дефицита элементов питания у кукурузы

Подборка фотографий проявлений недостатка различных элементов питания у кукурузы

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...


2017年夏天, 爱荷华州的一些地方干旱,导致玉米生长非常不整齐,产量差异很大。一些家畜业主正在考虑把受干旱影响的玉米作为青储饲料来收获。作为青储饲料收获的玉米比收获籽粒的玉米含有更高的P和K,因为前者收获的几乎是整个植株。随青储玉米移走所增加的P、K量差异很大,因为玉米植株中P、K相对含量的变化远大于籽粒。对P来说,每吨干籽粒中的P含量大约是每吨 .

Manejo sostenible de nutrientes en sistemas agrícolas - Mas alla de la proxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en el ciclo de Seminarios organizados por el Consejo Profesional de Ingeniería Agronómica (CPIA) en Buenos Aires el 7 de Noviembre de 2017.

Access to Critical Soil Test Values Makes Better Fertilizer Decisions

An important first step in determining fertilizer strategies is soil testing. The critical value for a soil test indicates the likelihood of a crop response to an added nutrient but often these values ...

Opportunities for Ecological Intensification Approaches when Yield Gaps Are Narrow

T. Scott Murrell, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Vladimir Nosov, John Sawyer, Daniel Barker, Olga Biryukova, and Jeffrey Vetsch

Documenting the Need for Potassium in Uruguay

Agriculture in Uruguay initially developed in high potassium (K) soils, under conventional tillage and crop rotations that required no K fertilizer. The scenario changed during the last decades driven ...

IPNI Releases Multi-platform based Nutrient Expert® for Hybrid Maize in Indonesian

September 6, 2017. Penang, Malaysia – The International Plant Nutrition Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new version of Nutrient Expert® for Hybrid Maize in the Indonesian language (B ...


With adequate crop nutrition, large areas of Ultisol soil in southern Shan State of MYANMAR could be turned into highly productive maize growing areas.

Nutrient Expert®: Making Better Fertilizer Use Decisions

The preferred method for making fertilizer recommendations is to analyze soils to determine if an adequate nutrient supply exists to support healthy crop growth. However, most farmers in India lack kn ...

Nutrient Expert®: Making Better Fertilizer Use Decisions

The preferred method for making fertilizer recommendations is to analyze soils to determine if an adequate nutrient supply exists to support healthy crop growth. However, most farmers in India lack kn ...

Balance de nutrientes - El papel de la fertilización

Presentación realizada en el Curso Agricultura de FUNDACREA en Buenos Aires (Argentina) el 25 de Julio de 217.

Nutrient Expert for improved fertilizer recommendations for maize in sub Saharan Africa

The Nutrient Expert (NE) decision support tool has been successfully adapted for use in developing fertilizer recommendations that address wide diversity of soil and climatic conditions in Ethiopia, N ...


Scott Murrell著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 目前玉米价格低迷,许多生产者提出这样尖锐的问题:此时他们如何管理养分?以下是一些建议,让他们在保证产量的同时尽可能降低肥料投入,从而获得更多所需回报。 考虑土壤现有养分状况。利用土壤中已有的养分优势。土壤测试结果对我们决定应当施用哪种养分,施用多少量能提供最佳指导。 考虑本农场或邻近农场的养分供应。如果你 .

Balanced Fertilization of Grain Crops in Egypt Can Double Yields

In Egypt, the application of mineral fertilizers is highly skewed towards nitrogen, which has led to the gradual depletion of other nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and several micronutrients fol ...

Enhancing Indian Farmer Income with Balanced Nutrition of a Rice-Maize Rotation

It has become increasingly common for farmers to grow rice, followed by maize each year in their fields. This rice-maize cropping system provides an option for farmers to diversify and improve their i ...

Enhancing Indian Farmer Income with Balanced Nutrition of a Rice-Maize Rotation

It has become increasingly common for farmers to grow rice, followed by maize each year in their fields. This rice-maize cropping system provides an option for farmers to diversify and improve their i ...

Revisión de experimentos de fertilización con fósforo en maíz y soja en la región pampeana

Presentación realizada por el Ing. Agr. Adrian Correndo en el Taller Agronómico de Problemas Específicos (TAPE) sobre Nutrición Mineral y Fertilización de Cultivos.

Fertilizing for Irrigated Corn

Irrigated corn production is an important component of agricultural systems in some parts of the central and southern Great Plains of the USA. Adequate and balanced nutrient inputs are critical to pro ...

Application of NE system on maize in south China

Maize is one of the most important grain crops with higher productivity in the world. Anhui province is one of the main maize production provinces in China and its maize planting areas has reached 0. ...

Publication Development and Knowledge Sharing

This project engages scientific authors, consultants, service providers, and other partners to identify suitable collaborators for IPNI SEAP, and then establish partnerships that add value to research ...

Seed Project and Incubator Program

This is an incubator project that identifies and then tests new ideas for research and market development.

Management Practices to close Yield Gaps in Maize-Soybean Systems - Experiences in United States, Brazil and Argentina

Selecting the best genotype and management practices (e. g. , seeding rate, row spacing, planting date, and fertilizer 4Rs), in consideration with the complex interaction with the environment (soil pl ...

Department of Agriculture, Philippines Hosts Nutrient Expert® Maize Launch with University of the Philippines Los Baños and International Plant Nutrition Institute

December 20, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – Nutrient Expert® (NE) for Maize was launched in November this year in the Philippines by the Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) ...

El manejo del nitrógeno en cultivos de gramíneas de grano

Presentación realizada en el Simposio Fertiliza 2016 organizado por YPFB en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) el 15 y 16 de Diciembre de 2016.

Overcoming Low Maize Yields with Lime and Potassium in Chiapas, Mexico

Soil acidity is a major constraint that limits maize productivity in the southern agricultural region of Chiapas, Mexico. The region’s dominant sandy soils are derived from granite in a lowland tropic ...

Overcoming Low Maize Yields with Lime and Potassium in Chiapas, Mexico

Soil acidity is a major constraint that limits maize productivity in the southern agricultural region of Chiapas, Mexico. The region’s dominant sandy soils are derived from granite in a lowland tropic ...

Impactos del Manejo 4Rs a Largo Plazo - Experiencias en Argentina

Simposio Manejo 4R en el XXI Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo


Scott Murrell著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 目前玉米价格低迷,许多生产者提出这样尖锐的问题:此时他们如何管理养分?以下是一些建议,让他们在保证产量的同时尽可能降低肥料投入,从而获得更多所需回报。 考虑土壤现有养分状况。利用土壤中已有的养分优势。土壤测试结果对我们决定应当施用哪种养分,施用多少量能提供最佳指导。 考虑本农场或邻近农场的养分供应。如果你s.

Métodos de diagnóstico tradicionales y nuevas herramientas

Presentación realizada en el XXIV Congreso de AAPRESID en el Simposio "Simposio de nutrición de cultivos: ¿Cómo podemos mejorar el diagnóstico de la nutrición de los cultivos en la región pampeana?" e ...

Pensando en Nutrientes y Fertilidad de Suelos para los próximos 30 años

Conmemoración de los 30 años de adopción del sistema de Siembra Directa en el Paraguay

Impacto Económico y Rentabilidad de la Fertilización

Presentado por Adrián Correndo en el 2do Seminario CPIA de BPA "Manejo de Suelos y Nutrición de Cultivos", en la Bolsa de Cereales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Video on IPNI Global Maize Initiative in India

The Global Maize project is an interdisciplinary, international research effort with an overall objective of creating local, ecological intensification (EI) practices for maize production that increas ...

IPNI Nutrient Expert® for Android Tablets and Smart Phones

July 18, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) is pleased to announce the release of android-based versions of Nutrient Expert® for crops and geographies, i. e. , mai ...

Ciclo de palestras

Dr. Eros Francisco, diretor adjunto do IPNI para a região centro-oeste do Brasil ministrou uma série de palestras para produtores de grãos da região médio norte do estado de Mato Grosso, de 2 a 5 de m ...

¿Es Sustentable Fertilizar?

Adrián A. Correndo


Dr. Eros Francisco

Project Description - Improving N and S Fertilizer Management System under Crop Rotation

Location: Krasnodar Krai, Southern Federal District. Objectives: 1) Optimize the rates of S-containing fertilizers (NPKS and NPS). 2) Optimize the N sources for top-dressing in winter barley and winte ...

Concentración de nutrientes en planta como herramienta de diagnóstico

Adrián A. Correndo y Fernando O. García IPNI Cono Sur. Av Santa Fe 910, Acassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Breaking Soybean Yield Barriers: Report of the first year of experimentation at Brazil (Itiquira and Ponta Grossa sites)

Information on the results of the first year of the field experiments at Ponta Grossa (Parana state) and Itiquira (Mato Grosso state) are available at the attached PDF file.

Improving N and S Fertilizer Management System under Crop Rotation

Crop response to S-containing fertilizers and various N sources is studied under winter barley – sugar beet – winter wheat – maize rotation.

Scaling of Maize Fertilizer Recommendations Philippines

The project provides a model for scaling 4Rs in maize through the use of Nutrient Expert Maize recommendations by members of smallholder cooperatives, by building capacity of farmer leaders and market ...

Looking for Sustainability - Long-Term Fertilization in the Pampas of Argentina - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

An oral paper on the long-term agronomic, economic, and environmental outcomes of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe was presented at the 2015 ASA Meetings which took place at Minneapolis (M ...


本文探讨了在四川省紫色土丘陵区坡耕地上, 采用不同施肥方式以及不同人工降雨强度对土壤养分流失的影响,旨在为该区合理施肥提供技术支撑。.

Pautas y números para decidir la fertilización de cultivos estivales en una campaña difícil

La campaña agrícola 2015/16 se presenta con desafíos significativos en cuanto a la rentabilidad de los cultivos y las condiciones climáticas. En este marco se presentan varios interrogantes acerca de ...

Fertilización a Largo Plazo, los Resultados de Construir Ambientes durante 15 años

Presentación realizada en el taller del Congreso AAPRESID 2015, el 7 de Agosto de 2015.

Maíz 2014/15 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En el presente informe se reportan los resultados de los ensayos de la Red de Nutrición de Largo Plazo correspondientes al cultivo de Maíz de la campaña 2014/15, desarrollado en dos sitios bajo rotaci ...

Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe

Colección de informes y reportes

Sustentabilidad Productiva, Suelo, Nutrientes y Fertilización

Seminario Taller CPIA en Congreso Maizar 2015

Mano a mano con los que saben en fertilización de cultivos

Dr. Pedro Barbagelata – EEA INTA Paraná. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Gustavo Ferraris – EEA INTA Pergamino. Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo – Unidad Integrada INTA-FCA Balcarce. Laboratorio Fertilab. Ing. Agr. Cristian ...

La fertilización y una visión empresaria de largo plazo

Ing. Agr. Hugo Ghio – Productor rural, AAPRESID

Aportes de la ecofisiología en el manejo, nutrición y mejoramiento de cultivos

Dr. Lucas Borras – Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNR), CONICET.

Manejo nutricional eficiente para maximizar la producción de los cultivos

Dr. Gabriel Esposito – Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria (UNRC)

Brechas de rendimiento de trigo, soja y maíz en Argentina

Ing. Agr. Fernando Aramburu Merlos – Unidad Integrada INTA-FCA Balcarce

Controlled release urea with plastic mulch significantly reduces nutrient losses from sloping lands

In order to understand effects of nitrogen sources and plastic mulching on fluxes and pathways of soil nutrient losses, a randomized block experiment design was employed with two factors and four nitr ...


为了理解氮肥品种与地膜覆盖对坡耕地养分流失通量和途径的影响,在四川省资阳市开展了人工降雨条件下2个覆盖方式和4个氮肥品种组合的随机区组田间试验。试验结果表明,氮、磷和钾通过地下径流(壤中流) 损失的量分别占总流失量的71. 30%, 6. 36%和8.

Validation studies for fertilizer recommendations made by Nutrient Expert in Yunnan province

Three field experiments were carried out to validate fertilizer recommendations for maize made by the Nutrient Expert (NE) in Yunnan province in 2013. The experiments were arranged in three locations ...

2014/15 season: Maize crop at the Balducchi site of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

The Balducchi site at Teodelina (Santa Fe, Argentina) is one of the five on-farm experiments of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe, a long-term study started on 2000. In the 2014/15 season, ...

Advancing Intensive Management of Corn Systems in Minnesota (Irrigated)

This project is focused on high-yield continuous corn systems - Irrigated.

Agronomic, economic, social and environmental benefits of improved nutrient management practices in maize production systems under variable farm size, climate, soil fertility conditions and farmer resource endowment in Telangana, India.

A study was undertaken with the scientists of PJTSAU considering the following objectives. 1. To determine farmer typologies through implementation of rapid rural surveys in maize growing ecologies of ...

Nutrient Uptake and Removal by Maize in Brazil

Maize has shown a significant increase in land grown as 2nd crop following soybeans and new hybrids are being marketed every year with higher yield potential. But, there has been a suspension that nut ...

Optimizing Maize and Soybean Nutrition in Southern Russia

By Vladimir V. Nosov, Olga A. Biryukova, Alexy V. Kuprov, and Dmitry V. Bozhkov

Fertilización de la rotación: Sustentabilidad y Rentabilidad

Presentación realizada en el XXII Congreso Aapresid, Rosario, 6 al 8 de Agosto de 2014

Пир для царицы полей

В.В. Носов, О.А.Бирюкова, А.В.Купров, Д.В. Божков

Nutrición de suelos y cultivos: Aportes para la producción sustentable de maíz

Presentación realizada en el Congreso Maizar 2014, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2 de Julio de 2014.

Site-specific Nutrient Management in Conservation Agriculture Research Program

IPNI is collaborating with CIMMYT to build the capacity for site-specific nutrient management practices for effective scaling out of maize production intensification technologies in conservation agric ...

4R Nutrient Stewardship Project featured in ASHC and CGIAR research and development highlights

In recognition to the impact of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship project in Western Kenya the African Soil Health Consortium (ASHC) and the CGIAR Research Program on Maize have featured the project in rece ...

Project Description - Impacts of 4R Nitrogen Management on Crop Production and Nitrate-Nitrogen Loss in Tile Drainage

Project Objectives As part of this field research and demonstration project, we propose to evaluate various promising N management methods and technologies by documenting the nitrate-N export and crop ...

Project Description - Supplemental Late-Vegetative Nitrogen Applications for High-Yield Corn: Agronomic, Economic and Environmental Implications with Modern Versus Older Hybrids

Introduction: Modern corn hybrids have a “functional stay green” capacity whereby their leaves not only stay green longer during the grain filling period, but also maintain their photosynthetic capaci ...

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary - Assessment of Agronomic and Economic Benefits of Fertilizer Use in Maize Production Systems under Variable Farm Size, Climate and Soil Fertility Conditions in Eastern India

This project was started with the aim of understanding current fertilization practices of maize-growing farmers in eastern India and provide better recommendations to improve return on investment for ...

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary - Improvement of Recommendations for Potash Fertilizer Use and Adjustment of Currently Used Soil Potassium Test Interpretation Classes in Intensive Cropping Systems

This 3-year project has a special focus on optimization of fertilizer K rates for crops with high response to K, such as sugar beet, grain maize, rape, and soybean.

Agronomic Effectiveness of Calcined Soluble Sources of P Fertilizers

Every winter fire strikes out in the Cerrado of Brazil due to climatic conditions of very low air humidity with high temperature burning natural vegetation or harvest residue on fields, and as growers ...

Developing Multi-Variate Management Zones for Corn Production

This project intends to evaluate the benefit of multi-variate management zones and develop strategies which can account for the temporal and spacial variability seen in crop nutrient requirements.

Dissemination of Nutrient Expert® Fertilizer Decision Support Tool for Wheat and Maize in Eastern India

A total of 24 KVKs across three states of this zone have conducted the NE® trial supported by IPNI. These KVKs are of Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. The common experimental design for all implemen ...

Meta-analysis of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers in Corn Systems in the Midwest

Enhanced efficiency fertilizers can be an effective means of managing nitrogen to prevent losses to the environment, both to protect natural resources and improve crop yields. However, the range of en ...

On- farm precision nutrient prescription under pre- dominant cereal- cereal systems using Nutrient Expert®

The project was initiated to optimize nutrient usage and maximize cereal – cereal systems productivity in various rice growing ecologies and geographies in India. The research project will compare yie ...

Potassium Response in Rice-Maize Systems

Emerging data from on-farm and on-station experiments in the rice-maize systems in India and Bangladesh have revealed very high system productivity and high responses of maize and rice to applied K.

Actualización en Fertilidad de Suelos y Fertilización de Cultivos

Presentaciones realizadas en los seminarios de Santa Rita y Minga Guazu (Paraguay) en Noviembre 2013.

Ensayos de la Campaña Verano 2012/13 del CREA Santa Cruz Este (Bolivia)

El grupo CREA Santa Cruz Este (Bolivia) ha establecido una red de ensayos de nutricion con el objetivo de determinar deficiencias y respuestas en los cultivos de la región y contribuir al desarrollo d ...

Fertilidad de suelos y fertilización ¿Dónde estamos y a dónde vamos?

Presentación realizada en la Jornada Tecnica de AFA Cañada de Gomez el 10 de Septiembre de 2013.

Mejores Practicas de Manejo de la Nutrición de Maíz y Soja

Mayor eficiencia y efectividad en la búsqueda de altos rendimientos

Red de Nutrición Sur de Santa Fe CREA-IPNI-ASP ¿Qué nos enseño la campaña pasada?

Presentación realizada en las Jornadas de Actualización Tecnica CREA Sur de Santa Fe en Vendao Tuerto el 24 de Julio de 2013.

Simposio “Potasio en sistemas agrícolas de Uruguay”

Presentaciones del Simposio organizado por FAGRO (UdelaR), IPNI y Canpotex en Mercedes el 28 de Mayo de 2013

Panel 7 - El manejo de nutrientes según los asesores

1. Centro. Ing. Agr. Miguel Boxler. Región CREA Sur de Santa Fe. 2. Sur. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Martin Zamora. MAA-INTA Barrow. Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires. 3. Oeste. Ing. Agr. Nicolás Capelle. Consultor Pri ...

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary - Improvement of Recommendations for Potash Fertilizer Use and Adjustment of Currently Used Soil Potassium Test Interpretation Classes in Intensive Cropping Systems

During the last 15 years in Russia, both nutrient use (rates) and ratios have changed with a larger decline in the share of P and K fertilizers relative to N fertilizer. The adjustment of nutrient rat ...

Project Description - Improvement of Recommendations for Potash Fertilizer Use and Adjustment of Currently Used Soil Potassium Test Interpretation Classes in Intensive Cropping Systems

During the last 15 years in Russia, both nutrient rates and ratios were changed with a decline in the relative share of phosphate and potash fertilizers relative to N fertilizer. The adjustment of nut ...

Project Description - Assessment of Agronomic and Economic Benefits of Fertilizer Use in Maize Production Systems under Variable Farm Size, Climate and Soil Fertility Conditions in Eastern India

Background/Justification Eastern India is one of the most populous and intensively cultivated regions in the world. Farming in Eastern India is characterized by small landholders. Typically low resour ...

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary - Evaluation of the Potassium Status of Arable Soils in Ukraine on the Basis of Modern Soil Diagnostic Techniques and Development of Recommendations for the Rational and Efficient Application of Potassium Fertilizers.

The project aims to provide an accurate assessment of K status of arable soils, determine the demand for K fertilizers, establish the efficiency of K fertilizers in the soils of the main soil-climatic ...

Nutrient Uptake and Accumulation in Corn

Figures from Karlen et al. 1988. Agron. J. 80:232-242.

Advancing Intensive Management of Corn Systems in Minnesota (Rainfed)

This project is focused on high-yield continuous corn systems - Rainfed

Development and Validation of Nutrient Expert for Maize in Bangladesh

The project was initiated to develop and validate the Nutrient Expert for Maize, a site specific fertilizer recommendation tool for maize, in different maize growing areas of Bangladesh. The results f ...

Effects of AGARRE on the Response of Maize to Potassium in Villaflores

The objective of the study was to determine the influence of AGARRE—a commercial seed treatment whose proprietary composition contains micronutrients and hormones— in the response of maize to K suppli ...

Effects of Liming on the Response of Maize to Potassium in Jiquipilas

The objective of the study was to determine the influence of liming in the response of maize to K supplied by two sources and at four rates.

Nitrogen Management and Water Productivity of Limited Irrigation Corn

This project seeks to improve crop water productivity of irrigated maize by better understanding the interaction of nitrogen fertility management and limited irrigation.

Response of Two Maize Cultivars to Potassium in Cintalapa

The objective of the study was to determine the response of an open pollinated variety and a hybrid to K supplied by two sources and at four rates.

Suelos y Fertilización: Taller 2012 de CONAPROLE

Presentacion realizada en el Taller de Actualizacion de CONAPROLE realizado en Soils (Canelones, Uruguay) el 29 de Noviembre de 2012.

Presentación Proyecto "Productividad e impacto ambiental de sistemas intensificados de producción de granos"

El Proyecto Global Maize de IPNI en Argentina esta incluido dentro del Proyecto "Productividad e impacto ambiental de sistemas intensificados de producción de granos", un trabajo conjunto de INTA, las ...

Fertilización de cultivos extensivos en sistemas bajo riego

Presentacion realizada en la 3era. Reunión Internacional de Riego "Rendimientos potenciales con uso eficiente de agua e insumos ", organizada por la EEA INTA Manfredi el 30 y 31 de Octubre de 2012 en ...

Deficiência de zinco, fotos do Grupo Stoller

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de manganês

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de ferro

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de cobre

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de boro

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de enxofre

Enxofre: Folhas novas e recém-formadas com coloração amarelo-pálida ou verde suave.

Deficiência de cálcio

Cálcio: As pontas das folhas mais novas em desenvolvimento gelatinizam e, quando secas, grudam umas às outras; à medida que a planta cresce, as pontas podem estar presas.

Deficiência de magnésio

Magnésio: As folhas mais velhas amarelecem nas margens e depois entre as nervuras dando o aspecto de estrias; pode vir depois necrose das regiões cloróticas; o sintoma progride para as folhas mais nov ...

Deficiência de potássio

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de fósforo

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Deficiência de nitrogênio

Imagem do Grupo Stoller, protegida por Lei Federal

Maize Response to Balanced Fertilizer Application in Northwest China

On-farm trials in NW China showed that the addition of potassium to N and P fertilizers used for maize resulted in an average increase of 1207 kg/ha more yield and USD 300/ha more income than the farm ...

Developing Quick Guides for fertilizing maize in large areas

A Quick Guide (QG) is a one-page summary of plant nutrition and crop management guidelines for larger areas (i. e. district, municipality).

La sustentabilidad en los sistemas de cultivos - El manejo de la nutrición

Presentacion realizada en el Curso de Fundacrea en Buenos Aires el 26 de Junio de 2012.

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de la Nutrición para una Agricultura Sustentable (Best management practices for crp nutrition in a sustainable agriculture)

Presentacion realizada en las jornadas de capacitacion de ASP en 9 de Julio, Bolivar, y Venado Tuerto en Junio de 2012.

Manejo de la fertilizacion fosfatada

Presentacion realizada en el Taller del CREA Henderson Daireaux (Buenos Aires) el 22 de Mayo de 2012.

Seminario Fertilidad FAGRO 2012

Presentaciones del seminario organizado por la Facultad de Agronomia (UdelaR) en Montevideo el 25 de Abril de 2012.

Maize Intensification in Mozambique (MIM) - An Industry Response to the Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for an African Green Revolution

Our objective is to demonstrate the use and value of fertilizers and other ‘best agricultural practices’ (i.e. improved seed, crop protection and tillage system) to help Mozambican farmers move from s ...

Coordinated Maize Research Program

Food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) results from low crop productivity linked to low fertilizer use and multiple soil nutrient deficiencies.

Project Description - Improvement of Maize and Soybean (Chickpea) Mineral Nutrition on a Calcareous Common Chernozem

The Global Maize project was initiated in 2011 in Rostov Oblast, Southern Russia, on a common chernozem. Maize-soybean crop rotation was studied at the A-site in 2011-2014 and since 2015 it was change ...

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Henan Province

Nutrient Expert-based Fertilizer Recommendation for Winter Wheat and Spring Maize in Henan, 2011. This study was conducted to validate Nutrient Expert (NE)-based fertilizer recommendations for winter ...

Assessment of Agronomic and Economic Benefits of Fertilizer Use in Maize Production Systems under Variable Farm Size, Climate and Soil Fertility Conditions in Eastern India

Farming in Eastern India is characterized by small landholders. Typically low resource availability to the farmers and low profitability from cereal farming necessitates that inputs, including fertili ...

Improvement of Recommendations for Potash Fertilizer Use and Adjustment of Currently Used Soil Potassium Test Interpretation Classes in Intensive Cropping Systems

The project has the following goals: a) determine optimal potash fertilizer rates for major crops in crop rotation that have a high demand for potassium, b) evaluate the validity of currently used soi ...

Sustainable Production Systems Under No-till in the Cerrado of Brazil - Maranhão

Continuous cultivation of lands under the same monocropping systems tends to promote soil degradation and increases the incidence of crop diseases, pests, and weeds, which in turn, reduces the crop yi ...

Dinámica de los Macro y Micronutrientes, en los suelos de Santa Cruz y requerimientos de los cultivos de soya, trigo y maíz

Presentacion realizada en la Jornada de Capacitación Internacional “Manejo Sostenible de los Suelos Productivos de Santa Cruz” organizada por ANAPO, MDRT y Fo-Ar en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) e ...

Сам себе "Кукурузный доктор"

Этот буклет был специально разработан для агрономов – практиков и фермеров, выращивающих кукурузу на зерно.

Agricultura de Precisión - Desafíos y Oportunidades para la Nutrición de Cultivos

Presentación realizada en el Simposio de Fertilización del X Curso Internacional de Agricultura de Precisión organizado por INTA Manfredi del 13 al 16 de Julio de 2011.

Nutrición, Ambientes y Rotaciones

Presentación realizada en Mundo Soja-Maíz en Buenos Aires el 7 de Julio de 2011.

Estrategias de Fertilización para la Intensificación Agrícola Sustentable

Presentación realizada en el Seminario Agrícola del Centro de Estudiantes de Agronomía y Forestales de la Universidad de La Plata el 6 de Julio de 2011.

Estrategias de Fertilizacion de Maíz para la Intensificación Sustentable

Presentación realizada en la jornada + Maíz organizada por AgroVerad y la Bolsa de Cereales en Córdoba el 2 de Julio de 2011.

Be Your Own Maize Doctor

Be Your Own Maize Doctor offers farmers, research and extension workers a practical, useful resource. The 4-page booklet features color illustrations showing typical symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, ...

Panel 3

Herramientas para la Intensificación de la Producción

Panel 4

Nutrición y Ambiente

Panel 5

Nutrición y Enfermedades

Panel 6

Avances en Manejo de Nutrientes: Proyecto INTA

Panel 7

Las MPM para los Cultivos y Sistemas de Producción. Nutrientes No Tradicionales en Región Pampeana

Panel 8

Los Sistemas de Producción Actuales. Rol Actual y Futuro de la Nutrición

2010 Annual Interpretive Summary - Site Specific Nutrient Management for Soft Corn Varieties in the Highlands of Guatemala

In 2010, the total number of experimental sites at Alta Verapaz grew to 10, which is five more than in 2009. The same experimental design was used, that is, a balanced fertilization treatment based on ...

Research Highlight - Southwestern China

Research to control soil erosion, nutrient losses, and maintain crop yields through optimal surface mulching and cultivation on intensely sloped farmlands

Improvement of Maize and Soybean (Chickpea) Mineral Nutrition on a Calcareous Common Chernozem

Ecological Intensification is compared with grower fertilizer practice in maize–soybean (chickpea since 2015) crop rotation at the A-site. Crop response to N is studied in both systems too. Actual asp ...

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

Diez períodos de la Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe - ¿Qué llevamos al manejo de la fertilidad en nuestros lotes?

Presentación realizada en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica a Campo - Nutrición y Sustentabilidad de los Sistemas Agrícolas - Teodelina, 26 de Noviembre de 2010.

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes y Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para la Nutrición de Cultivos de Grano

Presentación realizada en el II Encuentro Técnico de Fundacruz en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) el 9 de Agosto de 2010.

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de los Nutrientes en Maíz y Soja

Presentación realizada en Dolores y Young (Uruguay) el 9 de Septiembre de 2010 en las jornadas técnicas de ASP Uruguay.

Bases para el Manejo Estratégico de la Fertilización en Maíz y Soja

Presentación realizada en Mundo Soja/Maíz el 15 de Junio de 2010 en colaboración con el Dr.

Manejo de la Nutrición y Fertilización de Cultivos - Necesito fertilizar mis cultivos, ¿Cuánto, cómo y con qué?

Presentaciones realizadas en Rosario de la Frontera y Las Lajitas (Salta) el 13 y 14 de Mayo de 2010.

El Rol de la Fertilización en Sistemas de Rotación

Presentación realizada en Expoagro 2010 - 4 de Marzo de 2010.

2009 Annual Interpretive Summary - Site Specific Nutrient Management for Soft Corn Varieties in the Highlands of Guatemala

Five experimental sites were established at Alta Verapaz to initiate a site-specific management project in farm fields within the highlands of Guatemala. A simple experiment was designed to compare a ...

Project Description - Site Specific Nutrient Management for Soft Corn Varieties in the Highlands of Guatemala

Soft corn varieties for human consumption are grown in extensive areas of the highlands of Guatemala. Farmers own small farms and phase limitations in capital and technology and grain production is ge ...

Assessment of Soil Potassium Supplying Capacity from Soil Nutrient Reserves and Dissemination of Nutrient Management Technologies through Nutrient Manager

Information generated from this project would help develop soil based coefficients on allowable draw down of soil K reserves, which can be used with Nutrient Manager for rice and maize in the determin ...

Comparative Evaluation of Nutrient Dynamics under Conventional and No-till Systems of Crop Establishment in Rice-Wheat and Rice-Maize Cropping Systems

The project was initiated to assess nutrient availability under differing crop establishment and residue retention scenarios and to develop SSNM strategies for optimizing productivity of rice-wheat an ...

Improving nutrient use efficiency and profitability in rainfed production systems

Prevalence of yield gaps, multiple nutrient deficiencies and low nutrient use efficiencies in rainfed region helped in initiating this project. The project was aimed at establishing strategies for imp ...

Nutrient Expert Development and Assessment

This project aims to (1) develop, test, and refine new versions of Nutrient Expert (NE) for new crops and new geographies in Asia and Africa, (2) conduct field trials and build agronomic database for ...

Micronutrientes - Deficiencias y Requerimientos de Cultivos Extensivos

Presentación realizada en los Encuentros de Nutrición organizados por Mosaic Chile, los dias 15, 16 y 17 de Diciembre de 2009 en Valdivia, Temuco y Los Angeles (Chile).

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes en Sistemas Agrícolas del Cono Sur de Latinoamérica

Presentación realizada en el XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo en San José (Costa Rica) el 16-20 de Noviembre de 2009.

El Manejo de los Nutrientes - Bases y Herramientas

Presentación realizada en el Curso de Agricultura de FundaCREA en Buenos Aires el 29 de Septiembre de 2009.

Maíz - Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de Nutrientes para una Mayor Rentabilidad

Presentación realizada en la Jornadas de Actualización Técnica en Maíz organizadas por CREA Sur de Santa fe en Monte Buey y Venado Tuerto los días 23 y 24 de Julio de 2009.

Balances de Nutrientes en Sistemas Agrícolas

Presentación realizada en la Jornada Técnica “Manejo de nutrientes y suelos en sistemas lecheros”, organizada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay en Canelones el ...

Panel 4

Las MPM para los Cultivos y Sistemas de Producción

Panel 5

Intensificación y Eficiencia en la Producción de Cultivos: Rol de la Nutrición

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes y Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para la Nutrición de Cultivos de Grano

Conferencia presentada en el V Congreso Boliviano de la Ciencia del Suelo celebrado en Oruro en Marzo 2009.

Resultados de la Red de Ensayos Exploratorios en NPKS y Micronutrientes de FUNDACRUZ en las Zonas Norte, Centro y Este

Presentación realizada en la jornada técnica organizada por Fundacruz el 17 de Marzo de 2009 en las instalaciones de ANAPO (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia).

Global Maize Project in China: Dahe, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province

Project was initiated in 2009 from summer maize rotated with winter wheat to test how the performance of ecological intensification (EI) compares to that of current farmer practice (FP).

Global Maize Project in China: Liufangzi, Gongzhuling, Jilin Province

Project was initiated in 2009 to test how the performance of ecological intensification (EI) compares to that of current farmer practice (FP)

Global Maize Project in India: Dharwad, Karnataka - Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat cropping system in Northern Karnataka

This project was initiated to assess the short and long term effects of ecological intensification of maize production on productivity, environmental impact, and profitability of farmers growing maize ...

Global Maize Project in Mexico: Celaya, Guanajuato

This experiment is part of the Global Maize Project that aims at identifying sustainably intensive technological options for maize.

Nitrogen Recalibration for Corn in North Dakota

The nitrogen (N) recommendations for corn in North Dakota (ND) need to be updated using actual field results from ND. Existing recommendations are based on Minnesota data, and older ND field calibrati ...

La Eficiencia de la Fertilización

Presentación realizada en la JAT CREA Región Centro el 3 de Septiembre de 2008.

Las Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de los Fertilizantes - Desafíos para Soja y Maíz en 2008/09

Presentación realizada en la Jornada Soja+Maíz - Soja con Sustentabilidad.

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo y de la Nutrición en Cultivos de Cosecha Gruesa

Presentación sobre las MPM de nutrientes y fertilizantes en cultivos de cosecha gruesa realizada el 22 de Agosto de 2008 en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica en Cosecha Gruesa organizada por la Regi ...

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para la Fertilización de Maíz

Presentación sobre las MPM de nutrientes y fertilizantes en el cultivo de maíz realizada el 31 de Julio de 2008 en las Segundas Jornadas de Actualización Técnica del Cultivo de Maíz organizadas por la ...

Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" - Paysandú (Uruguay) - Julio 2008

Presentaciones realizadas en el Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" realizado en Paysandú (Uruguay) el 24 de Julio de 2008.

Nutrición de Maíz y Trigo en la Región Pampeana Argentina

Presentación realizada en el X Congreso Nacional de FENALCE (Federación nacional de Cerealistas) de Colombia el 19 de Junio de 2008.

2007 Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Contest Winners

Results of 2007 Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Contest On this page, we highlight winners for each of the four categories. The entries were judged on the overall quality of the image as well as the su ...

Global Maize Initiative

The Global Maize project is an interdisciplinary, international research effort with an overall objective of creating local, ecological intensification (EI) practices for maize production that increas ...

Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Several regions of Uruguay has recently shown K deficiencies and responses. This project looks to determine the different areas with K deficiency, evaluate responses in the main field crops, and provi ...

Long-term Nutrient Management Network for Southern Buenos Aires Province

This project involves a series of on-farm field experiments with a common protocl looking for grain yield response to N, P, S, and other nutrients.

Development and Implementation of Fertilizer BMP Guides for Six Selected Major Cropping Systems

A multi-stakeholder committee initiative, funded through a conservation grant, to develop a list of management practices applicable in North Dakota.

Nutrient Management and Balanced Fertilization on Major Crops in Jilin Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Maize in Heilongjiang Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Maize in Heilongjiang Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient management and optimized fertilization on selected crops in Liaoning province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient management and optimized fertilization on selected crops in Liaoning province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Henan Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Henan Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Shanxi Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evoluti ...

Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evoluti ...

Polyphosphate hydrolysis in starter bands

A study to assess the rate of hydrolysis of polyphosphates placed in starter bands near seed row furrows.

DRIS analysis of forage alfalfa silage, grain corn and greenhouse cucumbers

To evaluate the use of Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) analysis on three high value crops - irrigated alfalfa, irrigated corn, and greenhouse cucumbers.