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Manual del Cultivo de Trigo - Ahora disponible en la web!!!

En 2017, IPNI edito el "Manual del Cultivo de Trigo", cuyos compiladores y editores son el Dr. Guillermo Divito y el Dr. Fernando O. García y que incluye la participación de 30 destacados profesionale ...

Nutrición de cultivos: Mas allá de la próxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en la 4a Jornada Provincial de Suelos organizada por el Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cordoba en Bell Ville (Córdoba) el 5 de Julio de 2018.

Resultados de la Campaña 2017/18: Trigo - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En este informe se reportan los resultados observados en cinco ensayos de trigo en 2017/18, dos bajo rotación maíz-trigo/soja de segunda (M-T/Sj) y tres bajo rotación maíz-soja-trigo/soja de segunda ( ...

Fertilidad de cereales de invierno

Presentación realizada en la jornada organizada por CRIATA y la CEI Barrow (INTA-MA Buenos Aires) en Tres Arroyos (Buenos Aires) el 3 de Mayo de 2018.

Improved Plant Nutrition Helps Moroccan Farmers Control Wheat Crown Rot

Wheat crown rot is a fungal disease that results in significant economic loss in Morocco and in wheat-growing areas around the world. The disease is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium culmorum. ...

Improved Plant Nutrition Helps Moroccan Farmers Control Wheat Crown Rot

Wheat crown rot is a fungal disease that results in significant economic loss in Morocco and in wheat-growing areas around the world. The disease is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium culmorum. ...

Manejo nutricional de trigo para rendimiento y calidad

Presentación realizada en el Taller de Trigo organizado por Agrofive Consultores en Venado Tuerto (Santa Fe) el 24 de Abril de 2018.

Artículos de cultivos de invierno en Informaciones Agronómicas

Trabajos publicados en la revista Informaciones Agronómicas de Hispanoamérica (2011-2017) e Informaciones Agronómicas del Cono Sur (2006-2017).

Viagem técnica à Argentina

Os programas LASC e Brasil do IPNI realizaram um excursão técnica sobre a cultura da soja nas províncias de Santa Fé e Córdoba, Argentina, de 19 a 23 de fevereiro.

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...

Remise du prix IPNI Scholar Award 2017 pour la région Afrique du Nord

Mlle Siham Baha Eddine nouvelle lauréate du prix IPNI Scholar Award 2017

Признаки дефицита элементов питания у пшеницы

Коллекция фотографий, демонстрирующих признаки недостатка элементов питания у пшеницы.

Manejo sostenible de nutrientes en sistemas agrícolas - Mas alla de la proxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en el ciclo de Seminarios organizados por el Consejo Profesional de Ingeniería Agronómica (CPIA) en Buenos Aires el 7 de Noviembre de 2017.

Potassium responses in beans, canola and wheat

An experiment at Glenthompson, 2017

Documenting the Need for Potassium in Uruguay

Agriculture in Uruguay initially developed in high potassium (K) soils, under conventional tillage and crop rotations that required no K fertilizer. The scenario changed during the last decades driven ...

Balance de nutrientes - El papel de la fertilización

Presentación realizada en el Curso Agricultura de FUNDACREA en Buenos Aires (Argentina) el 25 de Julio de 217.

In-season nutrient management - 2017

Presented at Manangatang Victoria GRDC Update

Balanced Fertilization of Grain Crops in Egypt Can Double Yields

In Egypt, the application of mineral fertilizers is highly skewed towards nitrogen, which has led to the gradual depletion of other nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and several micronutrients fol ...

Cultivo de trigo - Guia para una correcta fertilización

Presentación realizada en la reunión organizada por la Cooperativa LAR e INTA en Valle María (Entre Ríos) el 1 de Junio de 2017.

Potassium responses on wheat and canola at Glenthompson, 2016

Field work undertaken in association with Southern Farming Systems.

Impacts of a wet season on crop nutrition

GRDC Advisor Update Presentation and Paper

El manejo del nitrógeno en cultivos de gramíneas de grano

Presentación realizada en el Simposio Fertiliza 2016 organizado por YPFB en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) el 15 y 16 de Diciembre de 2016.


Mike Stewart著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 用于牲畜饲草和食用的冬小麦 — 或两用小麦的生产 — 在(美国-加拿大)南部大平原很普遍,其种植面积随着北移而减少。两用小麦体系在德克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州发展得很好,因为那里的温度有利于小麦在冬季生长 — 冰雪覆盖相对较少,喜温的小麦长势很好,而且大多数种植户还具有养殖牲畜的经验。 美国农业部没有两用小麦的种植面积记录.

Project Description - Updated nutrient response curves in the northern and southern regions of Australia

Soil testing is a key strategy in the efficient use of expensive fertilizer and other nutrient inputs, ensuring that the mix of nutrients applied match the fertility status and crop demand for the lik ...

¿Como es la Nutrición de Nuestros Suelos?

Resultados de la Red Nutrición en la Rotación del CREA Córdoba Norte

Métodos de diagnóstico tradicionales y nuevas herramientas

Presentación realizada en el XXIV Congreso de AAPRESID en el Simposio "Simposio de nutrición de cultivos: ¿Cómo podemos mejorar el diagnóstico de la nutrición de los cultivos en la región pampeana?" e ...

Pensando en Nutrientes y Fertilidad de Suelos para los próximos 30 años

Conmemoración de los 30 años de adopción del sistema de Siembra Directa en el Paraguay

Impacto Económico y Rentabilidad de la Fertilización

Presentado por Adrián Correndo en el 2do Seminario CPIA de BPA "Manejo de Suelos y Nutrición de Cultivos", en la Bolsa de Cereales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Potassium research at Uruguay - Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Paper and presentation at the 2016 Soil Science Congress of Russia

Nitrogen mid-season

Yes - No - Wait

IPNI Nutrient Expert® for Android Tablets and Smart Phones

July 18, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) is pleased to announce the release of android-based versions of Nutrient Expert® for crops and geographies, i. e. , mai ...

Importancia del diagnóstico para la toma de decisión de la fertilización

Presentación en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica de Bunge realizada en Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires) el 3 de Junio de 2016.

Manejo Nutricional de Trigo para Rendimiento y Calidad

Presentación realizada en el seminario de ASP en Coronel Suárez (Buenos Aires) el 18 de Mayo de 2016, en colaboración con el Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo de Fertilab y FCA(UMdP)-CONICET

Estrategias de manejo para optimizar el rendimiento y la calidad en cultivos invernales

Video y archivo de la presentación realizada en el Congreso "A Todo Trigo 2016" organizado por la Federación de Acopiadores y SEMA en Mar del Plata el 5 y 6 de Mayo de 2016. Link al video http://www. ...

¿Es Sustentable Fertilizar?

Adrián A. Correndo

Time for an N-Rich Strip

Reference strips to check on N response

Results of 2015 HRZ Nutrition Experiments

Summary of responses from nutrient omission experiments.

Project Description - Pushing the limits of fertilizer N recovery in a semiarid climate with improved N management

Introduction and Justification A common goal of N fertility programs should be to provide for the highest recovery of applied fertilizer N in the targeted crop species consistent with maximum yield an ...

Project Description - Improving N and S Fertilizer Management System under Crop Rotation

Location: Krasnodar Krai, Southern Federal District. Objectives: 1) Optimize the rates of S-containing fertilizers (NPKS and NPS). 2) Optimize the N sources for top-dressing in winter barley and winte ...

Concentración de nutrientes en planta como herramienta de diagnóstico

Adrián A. Correndo y Fernando O. García IPNI Cono Sur. Av Santa Fe 910, Acassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Improving N and S Fertilizer Management System under Crop Rotation

Crop response to S-containing fertilizers and various N sources is studied under winter barley – sugar beet – winter wheat – maize rotation.

Updated nutrient response curves in the northern and southern regions of Australia

The development of the Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops database has identified gaps in the current region, nutrient and crop combinations. This project will generate data for the dominant crops ...

Looking for Sustainability - Long-Term Fertilization in the Pampas of Argentina - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

An oral paper on the long-term agronomic, economic, and environmental outcomes of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe was presented at the 2015 ASA Meetings which took place at Minneapolis (M ...

Promotion du concept du 4R par IPNI Afrique du Nord dans les zones céréalières du Maroc

Dans le cadre du projet Agrium et en ouverture de la campagne agricole 2015-2016 IPNI Afrique du Nord a organisé des journées de sensibilisation et d'information au profit des agriculteurs des zones c ...

K responses on the Southern Tablelands

Research trials with NSW DPI

Project Description - Potassium responses in winter crops and pastures

Following the market development work in Queensland over the past few years, there are several areas that are proposed for attention during 2015. Monitoring of the Queensland sites will be continued w ...

Background to Omission Trials

Summary of HRZ omission trials treatments and seasonal conditions

K experiment at Lake Bolac

Windrows indicate marginal K status

Promotion du concept de 4R en Algerie

Lors de sa visite en Algerie au mois de Mai 2015, Dr Hakim Boulal Directeur executif de IPNI Afrique du Nord a entamé une visite dans la région de Tiaret connue comme l'une des plus importantes région ...

Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe

Colección de informes y reportes

Trigo 2014/15 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En el presente informe se reportan los resultados de los ensayos de la Red de Nutrición de Largo Plazo correspondientes al cultivo de Trigo de la Campaña 2014/15, desarrollado en tres sitios bajo rota ...

Sustentabilidad Productiva, Suelo, Nutrientes y Fertilización

Seminario Taller CPIA en Congreso Maizar 2015

Mano a mano con los que saben en fertilización de cultivos

Dr. Pedro Barbagelata – EEA INTA Paraná. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Gustavo Ferraris – EEA INTA Pergamino. Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo – Unidad Integrada INTA-FCA Balcarce. Laboratorio Fertilab. Ing. Agr. Cristian ...

La fertilización y una visión empresaria de largo plazo

Ing. Agr. Hugo Ghio – Productor rural, AAPRESID

High rainfall zone nutrient omission trials 2015

Part of the GRDC project DAV00141 led by P Riffkin

Région de Chaouia: IPNI organise une grande journée de sensibilisation sur le principe du 4R pour une bonne gestion de la fertilisation du blé

Plus de 120 participants ont répondu presents à la journée de sensibilisation sur le concept du 4R pour la bonne gestion de la nutrition minérale du blé organisée par le programme IPNI Afrique du Nord ...

Better nutrient management strategy for rice-wheat, rice-rapeseed and rice-rice cropping systems

Rice-upland crop rotation is one of the most important cropping systems in China. To increase fertilization efficiency in these rotations, improve farmland soil fertility and reduce the risk of non-po ...

Optimization of Winter Wheat Nutrition

Response of winter wheat to foliar sprays with Potassium Nitrate is studied in field experiments conducted in drought-affected areas.

Les scientifiques de IPNI Afrique du Nord en tournée de sensibilisation sur la bonne gestion des éléments nutritifs pour la culture du blé

En préparation à la nouvelle campagne agricole 2014-2015, le bureau IPNI Afrique du Nord a organisé durant le mois d'octobre 2014 des journées de sensibilisation sur la bonne gestion des éléments nutr ...

Results from Capella (wheat) and Gindee (chickpea) - 2013.

Response to residual K from bands applied in 2011

El potasio en la agricultura uruguaya

Experiencias en los últimos años

Second Atelier de formation sur l'outil ''Nutrient Expert'' Organisé par IPNI North Africa

Dans le cadre de ses activités en Afrique du Nord, le bureau regional de IPNI en Afrique du Nord a organisé le second atelier sur le modèle de prise de decision en fertilisation '' Nutrient Expert". C ...

Nitrogen management that maximizes margins, improves sustainability of wheat cropping

D Nash, P Riffkin, R Harris, A Blackburn, C Nicholson, M McDonald.

Micronutrients Copper and Manganese

Their role, requirements and options

Nitrogen - how much is enough?

GRDC Grower Updates, Kimba, Cummins, Naracoorte

Fertilización de la rotación: Sustentabilidad y Rentabilidad

Presentación realizada en el XXII Congreso Aapresid, Rosario, 6 al 8 de Agosto de 2014

BMPSCN Manual on Soil and Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendation - Best Management Practices for Sustainable Crop Nutrition in Bulgaria

This Manual contains information on soil and plant sampling and analysis, as well as recommendations for selecting appropriate fertilisers for field crops, vegetables, fruit and viticulture. The most ...

K deficiency in wheat

Seen in cereals at mid-tillering

Project Summary - Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

Background Growers and agronomists have to make a number of key tactical decisions, each season, in respect of their overall nitrogen management. These decisions include selecting the right rate based ...

How to get nitrogen into your crop effectively and efficiently

Time, Rate, Place and Source - get them all Right.

Des plateformes d'essais pour la formation au champ au profit des agriculteurs et des agents de développement issus des principales régions céréalières du Maroc

Le 21 Avril 2013 IPNI North Africa a organisé une journée de formation au champs sur la fertilisation des céréales au profit des agriculteurs et des agents de développement des principales région céré ...

Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops

Project summary and access to the data interrogator

Balanced nutrition yields benefits

Results from the Dahlen long term fertilizer experiment

Bases para el manejo 4R de la nutrición del cultivo de trigo

Presentación realizada en el Simposio Internacional IPNI Brasil-IPNI Cono Sur, Foz do Iguacu (Brasil), 20-21 de Mayo de 2014.

IPNI China Program 2013 Newsletter

IPNI China Program highlights in 2013......

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through Conservation Agriculture and Precise Nutrient Management in Current and Future Cereal-based Cropping Systems of the Indo Gangetic Plains

Participatory trials in eight farmer fields in Haryana were conducted to assess the effect of nutrient and residue management on wheat yield, nutrient uptake and carbon sustainability index. Three res ...

The effect of K applied at different times to wheat, Western Australia

Responses on a sandy soil in pot and field experiments

IPNI au service des agriculteurs de la région de Chaouia au Maroc

Dans le cadre de ses activités au Maroc, IPNI représenté par son bureau d'Afrique du Nord a organisé conjointement avec l'INRA de Settat une journée au champs sur la bonne gestion de la fertilisation ...

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary - Wheat and Lupin Potassium Responses

The Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops project identified gaps in the dataset for wheat and canola responses to K in eastern Australia. This project will support additional soil measurements of sel ...

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary - Longerenong Cropping Challenge

The Longerenong Cropping challenge gives local advisers the opportunity to put their agronomic skills on show by managing a crop within a three year cycle of canola, wheat and then chickpeas. The plot ...

2013 Annual Report - Foliar N on Wheat

Results and Interpretations The measure of green cover (NDVI), a surrogate for crop biomass, conducted prior to the treatment applications returned no significant differences between treatments. It ca ...

Summary of BCG field trial - Foliar N on Wheat

UAN versus granular urea versus liquid urea

What’s new in Zinc – and some critical reminders?

Presented at GRDC Advisor Updates, Temora, NSW.

Getting Nitrogen into the crop - efficiently and effectively

Presented at GRDC Ballarat Advisor Update Feb 06, 2014, and the SANTFA Annual Conference, February 21, 2014.

Do we need to revisit potassium?

Paper presented at the Adelaide GRDC Advisor Update

Dissemination of Nutrient Expert® Fertilizer Decision Support Tool for Wheat and Maize in Eastern India

A total of 24 KVKs across three states of this zone have conducted the NE® trial supported by IPNI. These KVKs are of Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. The common experimental design for all implemen ...

Enhanced Nitrogen Research Initiative

This research will include comparisons of commercially available N fertilizers, namely granular urea and liquid UAN, with and without N fertilizer stabilizers.

Improving P-efficiency in Crops Through the Management of Highly Effective Beneficial Soil Microorganisms

Better use efficiency of both indigenous soil phosphorus (P) and applied P fertilizer by cropping systems will extend the life of current mined world phosphorus deposits and reduce the need to develop ...

On- farm precision nutrient prescription under pre- dominant cereal- cereal systems using Nutrient Expert®

The project was initiated to optimize nutrient usage and maximize cereal – cereal systems productivity in various rice growing ecologies and geographies in India. The research project will compare yie ...

Optimising the yield and economic potential of high input cropping systems in the High Rainfall Zone

The High Rainfall Zone in southeastern Australia has high yield potentials for wheat and canola, but growers are faced with challenges about resource allocation in a relatively new and rapidly evolvin ...

Potassium responses in winter crops and pastures

In collaboration with NSW DPI and the GRDC, the response of wheat and barley (Warndoo 2015) and wheat, triticale and canola (Breadalbane 2015) are being investigated. Responses of wheat and canola to ...

Response to Potassium in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System of Red and Lateritic Soils

West Bengal soils, thought to be rich in K, showed a significant increase in grain yield of rice and wheat with K addition over the existing fertilisation practice.

Potassium, Sulphur and Zinc Application Improved Yield and Economics of Rice-Wheat Systems

On-farm experiments conducted at 60 locations in northern India demonstrated that yields and profits for rice and wheat increased significantly with a combined application of K, S and Zn along with fa ...

The Longerenong Wrap

3 years of cropping - what happened?

Potassium nutrition in CQ Cropping Systems

Responses to applied K on wheat and chickpea

Potassium response curves - Wheat and Lupin Potassium Responses

The Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops Project (BFDC) that concluded in 2012 identified several gaps in data around the development of robust soil test calibrations. This project seeks to collect c ...

Foliar N on wheat - Foliar N on Wheat

Comparison of dry and fluid N sources

Project Description - Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

This project aims to contribute to the knowledge gaps identified by the HRZ RCSN in the program logic for the very high priority issue of nitrogen management. The research question is – Can we achieve ...

Simposio “Potasio en sistemas agrícolas de Uruguay”

Presentaciones del Simposio organizado por FAGRO (UdelaR), IPNI y Canpotex en Mercedes el 28 de Mayo de 2013

Panel 7 - El manejo de nutrientes según los asesores

1. Centro. Ing. Agr. Miguel Boxler. Región CREA Sur de Santa Fe. 2. Sur. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Martin Zamora. MAA-INTA Barrow. Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires. 3. Oeste. Ing. Agr. Nicolás Capelle. Consultor Pri ...

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary - Evaluation of the Potassium Status of Arable Soils in Ukraine on the Basis of Modern Soil Diagnostic Techniques and Development of Recommendations for the Rational and Efficient Application of Potassium Fertilizers.

The project aims to provide an accurate assessment of K status of arable soils, determine the demand for K fertilizers, establish the efficiency of K fertilizers in the soils of the main soil-climatic ...

Growth, yield and photosynthetic responses to elevated CO2 in wheat genotypes - Growth, Yield and Water Use of Wheat under Elevated Carbon Dioxide

The Australian Grains Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (AGFACE) project in Horsham, Victoria was designed to simulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the year 2050 and then to use those data to ...

Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

In the southeastern Australian high rainfall cropping zone, growers have the opportunity to apply nitrogen later in crop growth because of the higher probability of followup rains. This project establ ...

Foliar N on Wheat

Comparison of delivery of N through dry or fluid N sources

Study and Application of Nutrient Management Expert System in a Summer Maize-Winter Wheat Rotation

IPNI China program is encouraging the use of crop nutrient management expert system in China, Since 2013, supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in the Soil and Fertilizer Institute, ...

Wheat and Lupin Potassium Responses

Assessment of soil test and K responses for wheat and canola in southern Victoria.

Presentación Proyecto "Productividad e impacto ambiental de sistemas intensificados de producción de granos"

El Proyecto Global Maize de IPNI en Argentina esta incluido dentro del Proyecto "Productividad e impacto ambiental de sistemas intensificados de producción de granos", un trabajo conjunto de INTA, las ...

Fertilización de cultivos extensivos en sistemas bajo riego

Presentacion realizada en la 3era. Reunión Internacional de Riego "Rendimientos potenciales con uso eficiente de agua e insumos ", organizada por la EEA INTA Manfredi el 30 y 31 de Octubre de 2012 en ...

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de la Nutrición para una Agricultura Sustentable

Presentacion realizada en INTA Cañada de Gomez el 5 de Julio de 2012.

La sustentabilidad en los sistemas de cultivos - El manejo de la nutrición

Presentacion realizada en el Curso de Fundacrea en Buenos Aires el 26 de Junio de 2012.

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de la Nutrición para una Agricultura Sustentable (Best management practices for crp nutrition in a sustainable agriculture)

Presentacion realizada en las jornadas de capacitacion de ASP en 9 de Julio, Bolivar, y Venado Tuerto en Junio de 2012.

La nutrición de cultivos en una agricultura sustentable

Presentacion realizada en las Jornadas de Capacitacion de Bunge en Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires) el 15 de Junio de 2012.

Trigo 2011/12 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En el presente informe se reportan los resultados de los ensayos de la Red de Nutrición de Largo Plazo correspondientes al cultivo de Trigo de la Campaña 2011/12, desarrollado en tres sitios bajo rota ...

Manejo de la fertilizacion fosfatada

Presentacion realizada en el Taller del CREA Henderson Daireaux (Buenos Aires) el 22 de Mayo de 2012.

Mejores prácticas de manejo de la nutrición de trigo-cebada/soja

Presentacion realizada en las joranadas regionales de ASP en Junin y Lincoln (Buenos Aires) el 8 y 9 de Mayo de 2012.

Seminario Fertilidad FAGRO 2012

Presentaciones del seminario organizado por la Facultad de Agronomia (UdelaR) en Montevideo el 25 de Abril de 2012.

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary - Longerenong Cropping Challenge

Thirteen groups participated in this agronomy challenge, where advisors were asked to provide crop management plans for the production of a wheat crop on the same plots used for canola in 2010. The ma ...

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects growth and yield which then affect processes controlling the supply and losses of N to sustain these increases. This research was undertaken to measure the effects of ...

Окупаемость фосфорных удобрений прибавкой урожайности озимой и яровой пшеницы на почвах России

Шафран С.А., Прошкин В.А., Адрианов С.Н., Шаброва Е.В., Агрохимия, 2011, №10

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Henan Province

Nutrient Expert-based Fertilizer Recommendation for Winter Wheat and Spring Maize in Henan, 2011. This study was conducted to validate Nutrient Expert (NE)-based fertilizer recommendations for winter ...

Balanced Fertilization for Enhancing the Productivity of the Pearl Millet-Wheat-Green Gram Crop Sequence in Agra, Uttar Pradesh

Pearl millet-wheat is a common cropping system in dryland areas of India. However, system yields are often low due to inadequate and unbalanced nutrient application to the crops. This study was initia ...

Improvement of Winter Wheat Mineral Nutrition on Calcareous Common Chernozems

A one-season demonstration experiment in winter wheat grown after sunflower is conducted on farmer’s field. Recommended nutrient management is compared with farmer fertilizer practice. The variability ...

More Profit from Crop Nutrition: Micronutrient Survey

A scoping study to develop a risk assessment for micronutrient deficiency in the grains industry.

Dinámica de los Macro y Micronutrientes, en los suelos de Santa Cruz y requerimientos de los cultivos de soya, trigo y maíz

Presentacion realizada en la Jornada de Capacitación Internacional “Manejo Sostenible de los Suelos Productivos de Santa Cruz” organizada por ANAPO, MDRT y Fo-Ar en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) e ...

Роль элементов питания в повышении урожайности яровой пшеницы в Сибири

Рассматривается значение минеральных удобрений и других средств химизации для получения высоких и устойчивых урожаев яровой пшеницы – основной полевой культуры в Сибири. Достижимая урожайность этой ку ...

Фосфорное питание пшеницы

Основные вопросы фосфорного питания пшеницы

Agricultura de Precisión - Desafíos y Oportunidades para la Nutrición de Cultivos

Presentación realizada en el Simposio de Fertilización del X Curso Internacional de Agricultura de Precisión organizado por INTA Manfredi del 13 al 16 de Julio de 2011.

Nutrición, Ambientes y Rotaciones

Presentación realizada en Mundo Soja-Maíz en Buenos Aires el 7 de Julio de 2011.

Estrategias de Fertilización para la Intensificación Agrícola Sustentable

Presentación realizada en el Seminario Agrícola del Centro de Estudiantes de Agronomía y Forestales de la Universidad de La Plata el 6 de Julio de 2011.

Panel 3

Herramientas para la Intensificación de la Producción

Panel 4

Nutrición y Ambiente

Panel 5

Nutrición y Enfermedades

Panel 6

Avances en Manejo de Nutrientes: Proyecto INTA

Panel 7

Las MPM para los Cultivos y Sistemas de Producción. Nutrientes No Tradicionales en Región Pampeana

Panel 8

Los Sistemas de Producción Actuales. Rol Actual y Futuro de la Nutrición

Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de la Nutrición de Trigo/Soja - Novedades en Bases y Micronutrientes

Presentación realizada en Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) el 3 de Mayo de 2011.

2010 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

The effect of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ( CO2 ) on greenhouse gas emissions from semi-arid cropping systems is poorly understood. Two studies were reported during 2010, one from the Austra ...

Evaluation of the Potassium Status of Arable Soils in Ukraine on the Basis of Modern Soil Diagnostic Techniques and Development of Recommendations for the Rational and Efficient Application of Potassium Fertilizers.

The project has the following objectives a) provide an accurate assessment of K status of arable soils, b) determine the demand for K fertilizers, c) establish the efficiency of K fertilizers in the s ...

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application for No-till Cropping in Alberta Spring Wheat

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied in fall or spring under no-till cropping.

Nitrogen Fertilization Methods for No-till Cropping of Winter Wheat in Central Montana

Earlier research in Alberta and North Dakota showed that using larger granules of urea compared to regular sized ag-grade urea was a means of increasing crop yield and reducing the potential for denit ...

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

Diez períodos de la Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe - ¿Qué llevamos al manejo de la fertilidad en nuestros lotes?

Presentación realizada en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica a Campo - Nutrición y Sustentabilidad de los Sistemas Agrícolas - Teodelina, 26 de Noviembre de 2010.

The Role of Plant Nutrition in Narrowing Yield Gaps in Global Wheat Production

The objectives of this study were to establish attainable grain yields in major wheat producing countries, establish actual grain yields being obtained in farmer fields and under optimal (non-limiting ...

IPNI at N2010, New Delhi

Information related to presentations by IPNI staff at the N2010 Conference held in New Dehli, December 3 to 7, 2010.

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes y Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para la Nutrición de Cultivos de Grano

Presentación realizada en el II Encuentro Técnico de Fundacruz en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) el 9 de Agosto de 2010.

Manejo de la Nutrición y Fertilización de Cultivos - Necesito fertilizar mis cultivos, ¿Cuánto, cómo y con qué?

Presentaciones realizadas en Rosario de la Frontera y Las Lajitas (Salta) el 13 y 14 de Mayo de 2010.

El Rol de la Fertilización en Sistemas de Rotación

Presentación realizada en Expoagro 2010 - 4 de Marzo de 2010.

2009 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

The Australian Grains Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (AGFACE) facility was established to compare wheat growth, yield, and development under ambient atmospheric carbon dioxide (a CO2 ~380 ppm) and ...

Project Description - Growth, Yield and Water Use of Wheat under Elevated Carbon Dioxide

Because of uncertainty about the effects of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on crop growth, water use, grain yield and quality, there is a need to obtain data from field experiments conducted ...

Videos from IPNI

This page has moved. Please visit. http://www. ipni.

The Crop Nutrition Network in the CREA Region of Southern Santa Fe, Argentina

The Regional Consortium of Agricultural Experimentation (CREA), a farmer organization based in Southern Santa Fe, has collaborated with IPNI to establish a network of field experiments

Ammonium Sulfate for Canola in Southeastern Australia

Evaluation of ammonium sulfate as a S source for rainfed wheat and canola cropping systems.

Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops

The collation of 5000 field experiments on crop fertilizer responses from across Australia.

Comparative Evaluation of Nutrient Dynamics under Conventional and No-till Systems of Crop Establishment in Rice-Wheat and Rice-Maize Cropping Systems

The project was initiated to assess nutrient availability under differing crop establishment and residue retention scenarios and to develop SSNM strategies for optimizing productivity of rice-wheat an ...

Fertility Mapping and Balanced Fertilization for Sustaining Higher Productivity of the Pearl Millet-Wheat Cropping System in Agra District

The project aims at Improving pearl millet-wheat cropping system yield through balanced fertilization based on assessment of nutrient availability through a plant-based approach.

Grain mineral contents under elevated carbon dioxide

How will elevated carbon dioxide affect wheat grain macro and micro nutrient concentrations and grain functional properties.

Growth, Yield and Water Use of Wheat under Elevated Carbon Dioxide

Research on how elevated carbon dioxide will affect the growth and yield of wheat crops under future climates.

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application in No-till Cropping - Alberta Agriculture - Lethbridge AB

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied in fall or spring under no-till cropping.

Nutrient Expert Development and Assessment

This project aims to (1) develop, test, and refine new versions of Nutrient Expert (NE) for new crops and new geographies in Asia and Africa, (2) conduct field trials and build agronomic database for ...

Nutrient omission plots in spring wheat in Russia: Omsk Oblast and Republic of Bashkortostan

One-season nutrient (N, P, K) omission plots were conducted on leached chernozems in agricultural enterprises' fields. Fertilizer rates were calculated for the expected grain yield of 3 t/ha based on ...

Site Specific Nutrient Management for the Rice-Maize System in Bihar

The project was initiated to assess the effect of contrasting tillage practices on nutrient supplying capacity of soils in the Lower-Gangetic Plains region of India, and utilize the information genera ...

The Response of Crops to Potassium Placement Depth and Band Spacing

The right place for K in summer dominant rainfall areas of northern Australia.

Micronutrientes - Deficiencias y Requerimientos de Cultivos Extensivos

Presentación realizada en los Encuentros de Nutrición organizados por Mosaic Chile, los dias 15, 16 y 17 de Diciembre de 2009 en Valdivia, Temuco y Los Angeles (Chile).

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes en Sistemas Agrícolas del Cono Sur de Latinoamérica

Presentación realizada en el XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo en San José (Costa Rica) el 16-20 de Noviembre de 2009.

Nutrient Management and Balanced Fertilization for Major Crops in Shanxi

Intensification of agricultural production with poor nutrient management practices has decreased N use efficiency and increased environmental pollution in northcentral China. Work in 2008 optimized N ...

El Manejo de los Nutrientes - Bases y Herramientas

Presentación realizada en el Curso de Agricultura de FundaCREA en Buenos Aires el 29 de Septiembre de 2009.

Panel 4

Las MPM para los Cultivos y Sistemas de Producción

Panel 5

Intensificación y Eficiencia en la Producción de Cultivos: Rol de la Nutrición

Eficiencia de Uso de Nutrientes y Mejores Prácticas de Manejo para la Nutrición de Cultivos de Grano

Conferencia presentada en el V Congreso Boliviano de la Ciencia del Suelo celebrado en Oruro en Marzo 2009.

Resultados de la Red de Ensayos Exploratorios en NPKS y Micronutrientes de FUNDACRUZ en las Zonas Norte, Centro y Este

Presentación realizada en la jornada técnica organizada por Fundacruz el 17 de Marzo de 2009 en las instalaciones de ANAPO (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia).

Global Maize Project in China: Dahe, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province

Project was initiated in 2009 from summer maize rotated with winter wheat to test how the performance of ecological intensification (EI) compares to that of current farmer practice (FP).

Global Maize Project in India: Dharwad, Karnataka - Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat cropping system in Northern Karnataka

This project was initiated to assess the short and long term effects of ecological intensification of maize production on productivity, environmental impact, and profitability of farmers growing maize ...

Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

How will high carbon dioxide concentrations affect the cycling of nitrogen in crop production systems.

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Hebei Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Hebei Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Site Specific Nutrient Management for a Rice-Wheat System in Haryana

The project was initiated to develop site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) strategy for rice-wheat cropping systems grown under varying tillage and residue management scenarios and use the informat ...

Site Specific Nutrient Management for a Rice-Wheat System in Punjab

The project aims at developing principles and increase knowledge on effective nutrient management for rice and wheat in current production systems and in emerging conservation agriculture (CA) based s ...

La Eficiencia de la Fertilización

Presentación realizada en la JAT CREA Región Centro el 3 de Septiembre de 2008.

Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" - Paysandú (Uruguay) - Julio 2008

Presentaciones realizadas en el Seminario "Criterios para la fertilización con P y K en sistemas agrícolas" realizado en Paysandú (Uruguay) el 24 de Julio de 2008.

Nutrición de Maíz y Trigo en la Región Pampeana Argentina

Presentación realizada en el X Congreso Nacional de FENALCE (Federación nacional de Cerealistas) de Colombia el 19 de Junio de 2008.

A Micrometeorological Study to Quantify Ammonia Volatilization Losses from Surface Applied Urea in the Semiarid Northern Great Plains

Montana winter wheat growers broadcast surface apply urea to their crops in late fall, or early spring to supply the crops with needed nitrogen. Urea is known to be susceptible to ammonia (NH3) volati ...

Comparison of P-based Starter Fertilizer Products, Forms, and Rates Affecting Crop Yields

There are increasing questions regarding different liquid and granular products in their seed-row efficacy at ultra low rates, etc. One of the practices we are most concerned about is the marketing an ...

Evaluation of Phosphate and Nitrogen Fertilizers Treated with Polymer Additives to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The Richardson International Kelburn, MB research and demonstration farm was the site of experiments evaluating Avail additive for both dry granular and liquid phosphate fertilizers. there were also e ...

Evaluation of Phosphate and Nitrogen Fertilizers Treated with Polymer Additives to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The use of polymer additives to regular soluble fertilizers to increase the uptake of fertilizer nutrieIt is thought to slow down the reaction of the fertilizer nutrient ions and molecules with soil c ...

Evaluation of Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer Treated with Nutrisphere Polymer Additive to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The use of polymer additives to regular soluble fertilizers has been shown to increase the uptake of fertilizer nutrients into target crops. The mechanism of activity of the polymers is thought to slo ...

Impact of Rising Nitrogen Prices

Natural gas represents a major portion of the cost of ammonia production, and concern continues about effects on nitrogen (N) fertilizer prices.

Crop Nutrition PowerPoint Series

The Crop Nutrition Series of PowerPoint presentations features crop nutrition and management information prepared by IPNI North American Program scientific staff. Each presentation includes approximat ...

Assessment of Soil Quality on TSN Plots at Ellerslie and Breton Utilizing Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties

Assess the impact of consistent management, tilled vs no-till, straw removed or not, and N application rate on soil quality using physical, chemical and biological properties at Ellerslie and Breton, ...

Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Several regions of Uruguay has recently shown K deficiencies and responses. This project looks to determine the different areas with K deficiency, evaluate responses in the main field crops, and provi ...

Long-term Nutrient Management Network for Southern Buenos Aires Province

This project involves a series of on-farm field experiments with a common protocl looking for grain yield response to N, P, S, and other nutrients.

Nitrogen Recommendation Recalibrations for Wheat in North Dakota

A multiple year research study updating N response and recommendations for wheat in various agro-ecological areas of North Dakota.

Ecological Intensification Related Publications

Ecological Intensification Related Publications

Development and Implementation of Fertilizer BMP Guides for Six Selected Major Cropping Systems

A multi-stakeholder committee initiative, funded through a conservation grant, to develop a list of management practices applicable in North Dakota.

Effect of No-till on Vertical Stratification of P in Dryland Cropping Systems

A project assessing the stratification of no-till cropping compared to conventional reduced tillage under Montana, semi-arid conditions. Stratification of Olsen P was relatively similar among 1-yr NT, ...

Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization on Field Pea Nitrogen Production

A site at Froid, MT was selected for the study, with a background soil P level of 19 mg P/kg of soil. A split-plot design was used with tillage (ZT vs CT) as the main plot, and crop and P rate as the ...

Impact of Cropping Sequence and Tillage System on Response to P Fertilization in Durum Wheat and Soybean

A study done to improve our ability to predict when P starter fertilizer is required by crops and identify management practices and fertilizer sources that may improve early season P availability to c ...

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Henan Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Shanxi Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Shanxi Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010

Soil Nutrient Stratification in Long-term Sustainable Cropping Systems Research Study

A tillage by rotation study evaluated after 11 years to determine if the use of no-till had led to nutrient stratification in the plots. The results of this study indicate that nutrients did become st ...

Strategies for Improving the Crop Safety and Efficiency of Starter Fertilizer for Saskatchewan Crops

Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, ...

Suppression of Disease with Agronomic Practices in Recently Released Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat Cultivars

Suppression of Disease with Agronomic Practices in Recently Released Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat Cultivars, 2007 This study was designed to examine whether a synergy exists between chloride (Cl-) nu ...

Yield and N and P Responses to Wheat to Long- and Short-term P Fertilization in a Brown Chernozem

A long-term field research experiment was designed to evaluate the impact of removing P fertilization from a fallow-wheat-wheat and a continuous wheat crop rotation after having applied P fertilizer f ...

Evaluation of Long Term No-till Effects on Soil Fertility

The adoption of no-till seeding systems in western Canada has been driven by a variety of factors, moisture conservation and economic efficiency likely the major ones. This project was conducted to ev ...

Improving the Phosphorus Nutrition in Wheat

Assess yield, and P and Zn uptake of wheat receiving P and Zn fertilizer and inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi.

Impact of Long-Term Application of Phosphate Fertilizer on Cadmium Accumulation in Crops

To determine availability of residual P and Cd from long-term P accumulations for plant uptake and movement to water, as affected by soil type and environment, and to determine the rate of P and Cd de ...

Impact of Long-term Phosphate Application and Level of Fertilizer Cd on Crops and Soils

Assess the rate of P application from various P sources having different inherent cadmium levels, on Cd uptake and Cd concentration of harvested grain from crops in western Canada.

Improving the Quality and Profitability of Durum Wheat through Nutrient and Disease Management

Develop soil fertility (N and P) management strategies for Durum wheat, geared to maximizing production, improving grain quality, grain protein and achieving a higher grade for the grain they produce. ...

Assessing Nutrient Content of Crops and Nutrient Removal as Affected by Management Practices

A study to identify mineral nutrient removal in the harvested portion of crops grown in western Canada.

Effect of Foliar-applied Monopotassium Phosphate on High Yield Canola and Wheat Grown in Southern Manitoba

Assess foliar application of mono potassium phosphate (MKP) to enhance phosphorus nutrition of wheat.

Quantifying Soil Carbon Sequestration: Textural Effects

Demonstrate that we can accurately quantify changes in soil C content by estimating soil C changes through the use of simulation models.

Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evoluti ...

Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evoluti ...

On-farm Evaluation of Potassium Chloride using Combine Yield Monitors

The addition of potassium (K) fertilizer to starter fertilizer blends is becoming a common practice in many areas of western Canada with high soil test K levels. Specific crops, such as malting barley ...

Field Crop Response to Potassium on Soils with High Extractable Potassium and Varying Soil Supply Rates of Potassium

Crop responses to K on many western Canadian soils, even on soils testing high in K, have many people questioning the soil testing procedures used and/or the method by which K varies within fields. Us ...

Landscape Management of Agronomic Processes for Site-specific Farming

The objective of this project is to measure and model landscape dynamics for a hummocky topography in the Black Soil Zone of east central Alberta. Then evaluate the potential benefit of variable rate ...

The Effects of Potassium Chloride to Counteract the Negative Effects of Side-banded Urea on Plant Establishment

A series of experiments to determine if adding KCl to side-banded urea would increase the safety to the seedlings against the toxic effects of side banded urea, regardless of the separation between th ...

1996 Annual Interpretive Summary - Optimum Time and Placement of Fertilizer with Direct and Conventionally Seeded Winter Wheat

Poor weather, yields and prices caused winter wheat acreage in Alberta to decrease by several hundred thousand acres in the last 10-15 years. However, newer, higher yielding varieties are causing a re ...

Feeding the Plants that Feed the World

The developed resource is a science kit that includes hands-on experiments that show upper elementary and junior high school students how plants grow and their nutritional needs.

Fertility Management of Winter Wheat Grown after Alfalfa

Forage hay crops remove large amounts of nutrients from the soil, because of this, levels of available phosphorous, potassium and sulfur are often marginal for crops following forages.

Impact of Zero-tillage on Soil Quality Changes Under Crop Rotations and Fertilizer Treatments in a Black Soil

Assess whether or there has been a significant change in soil quality and/or yield trends in the 6 years since the field soil in this study were converted to no-tillage from conventional tillage.

Spring Wheat Response to Chloride Addition

Determine the response of hard red spring wheat to KCl addition at the landscape scale in a typical Dark Brown (Weyburn) loam soil in southern Saskatchewan.

Wheat Chloride WEB Site

Chloride Nutrition Web Site, 1998 This is a non-conventional research project involving the summarization of chloride (Cl) research, literature and field photos on PPI’s web site. This project was ini ...

Addressing Soil Chloride Variability and Its Management

Addressing Soil Chloride Variability and Its Management, 1998 In the northern Great Plains, grid sampling is not used by many wheat producers because of its expense. To be profitable, responsive areas ...

Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat

Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to chloride fertilizer has been variable, because response depends upon man ...

The Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Crop and Weed Ecology in Direct-seeding Systems

Assess the impact of fertilizer placement on weeds in no-till seeding systems.

Agronomic and Economic Assessment of Variable Rate

Determine the agronomic information required to choose the optimum nutrient rates and assess the economic the benefits of variable rate fertilization.

Chloride's Role in Maximizing Wheat Variety Performance

To understand the interactions of major wheat varieties with chloride fertilization, and evaluate effects of chloride fertilization on wheat plant pathology, plant maturity and thousand kernel weight. ...

Effect of KC1 on Physiological Leaf Spot, Grain Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat in Saskatchewan

Assess the benefit of chloride application to winter wheat varieties that display physiological leaf spot symptoms thought to be chloride deficiency.

Evaluation of seed placed fertilizer rates

Questions that now remain unanswered are urea impacts on calcareous soils and the role that ammonium sulphate might play in various mixes with urea and what the safe rates of combined N,P,K and S fert ...

Feasibility of a One-pass Seeding and Fertilizing System for Winter Wheat

Evaluate the feasibility of no-till planting of winter wheat in eastern Saskatchewan.

Polyphosphate hydrolysis in starter bands

A study to assess the rate of hydrolysis of polyphosphates placed in starter bands near seed row furrows.

Chemical and physical changes in standing cereal straw residues in no-till fallow and its relationship to nitrogen and phosphorus availability

Adjustments to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization rates may be required in fields which receive a no-till (herbicide) fallow treatment as compared to the conventional tillage fallow. For example, t ...

Reduced tillage systems: evaluation of the influence of tillage and fertilizer management on soil quality, crop productivity and economic sustainability

Results from the first two years of a four year field study conducted on two soil types to evaluate the effect of nitrogen source, timing and placement on canola and durum, under conventional and redu ...

Speciation and distribution of cadmium in soils of the Prairies

Most of the Cd in grain results from plant uptake from soils which could vary in Cd concentrations depending largely on the type of soil parent material. This project will compare paired pedons of cul ...

The interactions of row spacing and seeding rate with seed placed phosphorus

Evaluate the effects of row spacing, seeding rate, and N and P fertilizer placement in spring and winter wheat, barley, durum and flax under no-till cropping.

Field evaluation of laboratory tests for soil phosphorus

Barley and canola was grown at 46 sites in Alberta to evaluate response to P fertilizer and determine the ability of various soil test P methods to predict crop response.

Influence of phosphorus fertilizer on the soil quality of a historic irrigated rotation

Determine the influence of historic phosphorus application on soil quality and nutrient supplying power in a low input irrigated crop rotation.

Biocycling of P in soils

Evaluate the factors affecting cycling of P in soils as influenced by the soil microbial population in different selected soils.

Effect of chloride fertilization on yield and development rate of winter wheat varieties

The effect of Cl fertility on small grain production is currently of great interest in the Northern Great Plains. Research from South Dakota and Montana has shown that application of fertilizers conta ...

Effect of K and Cl on wheat stem sawfly damage and disease incidence in dryland and irrigated wheat

Project assessing the effect of K and Cl nutrition on crop disease and wheat stem sawfly infestation in wheat.

Fertilizer effects on nitrate in water and soils

Document and summarize the scientific literature concerning ground water nitrate problems in Western Canada and provide a baseline for future studies.

Spring wheat variety specific P management

A research project to assess the responsiveness of different spring wheat varieties to phosphorus fertilization.

Variable rate fertilization

In the last decade the need to fertilize soils rather than fields has been recognized and has led to the concept of variable fertilizer rates. Variable fertilizer rates have been advocated for a numbe ...

Correlation of phosphorus soil and tissue test methods

Identify the preferred analytical methods for the determination of available P over a wide range of soils in Alberta.

Effect of chloride fertilization on root diseases and production of winter wheat in Montana

An early ground breaking research project assessing chloride nutrition of winter wheat in Montana.

Assessing the chloride fertilizer requirements of barley and wheat grown on Manitoba soils

Assess the chloride fertility status of Manitoba soils and determine the effects of chloride fertilization on plant nutrition, plant disease and yield of wheat and barley.

Influence of potassium chloride and polyphenols on the dynamics of the release of manganese from soils

Assess the effect of potassium chloride fertilization, and presence of polyphenols on the release of managanese from soils.

Maximizing winter wheat production with conservation tillage in the Northern Great Plains

Project assessing the potential for reduced tillage production of winter wheat in the Northern Great Plains

Maximizing wheat yields in North Dakota in a crop rotation system

An evaluation of the effect of crop rotations on wheat yield and quality.

Interaction of fertilizer N and P and snow conservation on yield of spring and winter wheat in Southwestern Saskatchewan

This project evaluated the effect of N and P fertilization on wheat yield responsiveness to snow trapping for moisture conservation, in semi-arid south west Saskatchewan.

Maximum yields in Canadian Prairie soils - investigations on the efficiency of large broadcast applications of fertilizer phosphate

Determine the effects of a large P fertilizer application on subsequent crop yields, P availability, interactions with other nutrients, and economic feasibility.

Nitrogen, sulfur and KCl management for wheat production in North Dakota

A research project investigating the N, S, K and Cl needs of wheat in North Dakota.