高效施肥》(原《高产施肥》)于1998年开始出版,是国际植物营养研究所(IPNI)中国项目出版的中文刊物,每年两期,五月和十月各出版一期。《高效施肥》以深入浅出的方式将先进的科学施肥技术提供给技术人员和农民,提高化肥施用的农学效益、经济效益和环境效益。欢迎投稿。每期在全国发放8000多册,可向IPNI北京办事处、武汉办事处和成都办事处免费索取。 Established in 1998, Better Crops China (BCC) is a fully Chinese language publication from IPNI China Program. It is now released twice annually every May and October. BCC is written in Chinese language to promote good agronomic practices - proper and efficient use of inorganic fertilizer with economic and environmental considerations. The regular issue has a circulation of over 8,000 copies distributed throughout China. There is no charge for this technical publication.